Specific Errors Codes & Descriptions

This is a list of Screenshot Lookup API response error codes.

16002CustomHtmlTypeErrorCustom HTML only accept string.
16003WidthTypeErrorWidth only accept integer.
16004WidthMinimumErrorMinimum width is 100.
16005WidthMaximumErrorMaximum width is 3000.
16006HeightTypeErrorHeight only accept integer.
16007HeightMinimumErrorMinimum height is 100.
16008HeightMaximumErrorMaximum height is 3000.
16009RetinaTypeErrorRetina only accept true or false.
16010FullPageTypeErrorFull page only accept true or false.
16011LazyLoadTypeErrorLazy load only accept true or false.
16012ThumbnailWidthTypeErrorThumbnail width only accept integer.
16013ThumbnailWidthMinimumErrorMinimum thumbnail width is ${width_min}.
16014ThumbnailWidthMaximumErrorMaximum thumbnail width is ${width_max}.
16015DelayTypeErrorDelay only accept integer.
16016AcceptLanguagesTypeErrorAccept languages only accept string.
16017UserAgentTypeErrorUser agent only accept string.
16018CssUrlTypeErrorCSS Url only accept string.
16019CssUrlInvalidErrorCSS Url is invalid.
16020CssTypeErrorCSS only accept string.
16021SelectorTypeErrorSelector only accept string.
16022SelectorNotFoundErrorNo DOM found with selector.
16023ScrollToElementTypeErrorScroll to element only accept string.
16024ScrollToElementNotFoundErrorNO DOM found with scroll to element.
16025CookiesTypeErrorCookies only accept string.
16026HeadersTypeErrorHeaders only accept string.
16027BlockAdsTypeErrorBlock ads only accept true or false.
16028NoCookieBannersTypeErrorNo cookie banners only accept true or false.
16029ProxyTypeErrorProxy only accept string.
16030LatitudeTypeErrorLatitude only accept integer.
16031LatitudeInvalidErrorLatitude only accept value between -80 and 80.
16032LatitudeRequiredErrorLatitude is required.
16033LongitudeTypeErrorLongitude only accept integer.
16034LongitudeInvalidErrorLongitude only accept value between -180 and 180.
16035LongitudeRequiredErrorLongitude is required.
16036ImageOutputInvalidErrorImage output only accept jpeg or png.
16037QualityTypeErrorQuality only accept integer.
16038QualityMinimumErrorMinimum Quality is 0.
16039QualityMaximumErrorMaximum Quality is 100.
16040NoJsTypeErrorNo js only accept true or false.
16041ModeInvalidErrorMode only accept fast or slow.
16042TouchScreenTypeErrorTouchscreen only accept true or false.
16043ScaleTypeErrorScale only accept integer.
16044ScaleMinimumErrorMinimum Scale is 0.5.
16045ScaleMaximumErrorMaximum Scale is 4.
16046MobileTypeErrorMobile only accept true or false.
16047LandscapeTypeErrorLandscape only accept true or false.
16048TimeoutTypeErrorTimeout only accept integer.
16049TimeoutMinimumErrorMinimum timeout is 0.
16050TimeoutMaximumErrorMaximum timeout is 30000.