Sample Success Responses

Deep Feed Daily Registered Domains
Success API Responses if a request succeeds, it will return a status code in the 200 and a JSON.

If the file to be downloaded is a CSV file, the following response will be received.

  "download_url": "",
  "file_format": "csv",
  "file_size": 20311969,
  "file_update_time": "2022-01-30T10:25:48Z",
  "attributes": [],
  "line_count": 218954

If the file to be downloaded is a JSON file, the following response will be received.

  "download_url": "",
  "file_format": "json",
  "file_size": 52021332,
  "file_update_time": "2022-01-30T10:25:48Z",
  "attributes": [],
  "line_count": 218954